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Our affordable housing concept FERROCUBE can be used anywhere for high-quality, low-cost housing.

Students Housing


FERROCUBE offers a high-quality and fast solution for the special structural challenges of student residences on university campuses.

Healthcare and Retirement Complexes

Modular buildings are used on a large scale for the construction of emergency clinics, retirement homes and healthcare facilities.

Affordable Housing

The demand for affordable housing is growing. Lower costs and a fast construction time

make modular construction attractive for developers.  FERROCUBE is an ideal solution for affordable living space.

Remote Locations

In countries where potential markets are far from industrial centers, the cost of building a home in a remote area can be much higher.

Hotel and Leisure

Modular plug-and-play buildings offer fast and cost-effective solutions. FERROCUBE offers fast and flexible building systems with attractive designs.

Refugee Shelters

Modular buildings are also advantageous in the provision of medical and sanitary facilities when time, space and money are an issue.

Emmergency Accommodation

Buildings constructed off-site as an immediate response to emergency shelter needs

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